Be Safe & Learn About Cannabis

About to Use Weed for the First Time?
About to smoke, eat, vape, drink, or absorb cannabis for the first time and not sure what to expect?
This is a pretty common way to learn about cannabis. Without clear guidelines or regulations (due to federal prohibition), word-of-mouth is how most people figure out what’s what when it comes to intoxicating substances.
Here’s a roundup of tips, tricks, and things to consider for your first time.
When it comes to cannabis, discussions of being high are steeped in binaries. Products are described as being simply intoxicating or not. This comes up a lot when talking about CBD versus THC.
Same goes for whether something is psychoactive. (Note: This distinction is usually incorrectly applied; all cannabinoids technically have psychoactive effects.)
In reality, cannabis’s effects fall along a spectrum. How you’ll feel those effects depends on a lot of things, including the product you’re using, your surroundings, and your emotional state that day.
This can be a little nerve-wracking if you’re new to cannabis, but there’s room to lean into this subjectivity. Often, binaries exist because they’re comfortable: They offer clear guidelines and remove any confusion.
In reality, though, nothing is that simple, and talking in binaries creates a false security. It’s no different when it comes to cannabis.
Before your first cannabis experience, mentally prepare yourself to explore these gray areas.
Let go of any expectations. Be open to a range of possible outcomes (we’ll get into how to handle a not-so-great outcome later).
To understand how a cannabis high manifests in individual bodies, it will only benefit users and would-be users to get comfortable exploring the gray areas.
Speaking of binaries, there’s the issue of cannabis strains (or cultivars). These are often described as being an indica or sativa. This is basically shorthand for the former causing a euphoric body high and the latter producing a more energetic and cerebral high, among other effects.
These descriptions aren’t necessarily false, but they’re completely subjective.
Additionally, categorizing cannabis by just these two terms completely misses a wide spectrum of other effects caused by different factors, including flavonoids and terpenes.
Rather than just going for an indica or a sativa, think about how you want to feel: Energetic and creative? Relaxed and introspective? Are there therapeutic effects you’re looking for, like pain relief or appetite stimulation?
Based off this information, cannabis specialists or dispensary staff can help you choose the best product.
If you’d rather be more hands-on in choosing a product, cannabis journalist and author Ellen Holland suggests looking to your nose.
“We are lucky in that the aromatic and flavorful elements of cannabis, the terpenes, play a large role in the effects. In that way, our sense of smell can guide us towards the type of high we’re seeking,” she says.
“Fruit, floral, fuel, and earth are common flavor profiles in cannabis flowers, and following these groupings can help people find what’s right for them,” she explains.
Holland says that “fruity cultivars” are uplifting, while floral ones are introspective. Fuel-backed cultivars (like Sour Diesel) are powerful, while those with earthy smells and flavors tend to cause relaxing effects.
“The diversity of this botanical is vast, and strain names can often be misleading,” she adds.
“It’s great to gravitate towards the scents you already find appealing. The lemony whiffs from a Gelonade tell you it’s going to be bright and energizing. The dank, gassy scents of a classic OG Kush tell you that it’s going to be strong and soothing,” she says.
These specific strains Holland describes should be fairly easy to find in many legal dispensaries.
Edibles may be a good place to start for those who don’t want to get into the nuances of the plant or deal with the health effects of smoking.
You’ll want to be mindful of the type and dose, though.
Generally, edibles made with live resin tend to produce stronger effects. Edibles metabolize in the liver rather in the bloodstream, so they produce a longer lasting high that could result in psychedelic effects at higher doses.
For your first time, aim for a dose of 5 milligrams or less (2.5 milligrams would be ideal). Edibles also take longer to onset than inhalation, so you’ll want to wait at least an hour or two before trying more.
Regardless of your consumption method, that dose is necessary to nail down.
“The key is dose. If cannabis provokes discomfort or anxiety, the dose is simply too high,” he says, echoing common complaints of people who have tried cannabis and decided it’s not for them.
“It’s not about strains or CBD ratios. None of that has panned out in studies,
Your cannabis specialist should be very specific about what to take and how much. Usually this is a slow ramp-up, not only to get you used to the feelings but also to let your body adjust,” he says.
Often, people benefit from doses that are much smaller than they expect.
For those who have had a bad experience with cannabis or other intoxicating substances in the past, There are a few guidelines that people can keep in mind.
“First of all, what kind of experience are you looking to have? We know what experience you don’t want, but do you have certain therapeutic goals? A mood you’d like to conjure with cannabis
“Secondly, I’d want to examine other consumption methods,” Chasen says. If you previously smoked and didn’t like it, maybe a tincture or edible would work better.
Stress the importance of “set and setting,” which is a popular concept in psychedelic us.
Make sure you are in a comfortable space with people you feel safe with. Sometimes, people’s adverse reactions to intoxicating substances can be triggered by happenings outside their own bodies.
Your first cannabis experience isn’t the time to hang out with someone new for the first time. Stick with people you know and trust. Aim to be somewhere that feels safe and comfortable, whether that’s your living room or favorite beach.
Part of experimenting with intoxicating substances is learning limits, however uncomfortable that might get at times.
If things get uncomfortable (mentally or physically), The best advice if you do get too much is to relax with the support of your special people, watch some lighthearted TV, and go to sleep. You’ll be fine in the morning.
There are plenty of anecdotal remedies that people swear by, from chewing peppercorns to drinking lemon tea, but there isn’t a ton of evidence behind them.
Be prepared for remedies to not work. Have a backup plan, whether that’s a friend to walk you home or a clear pathway to the couch.
Ultimately, there’s still a lot of mystery around the mechanics of being high and being comfortable with it, and this isn’t just specific to new users.
“I think people feel like they’re losing themselves,” she says, adding that it “directly threatens their security and functionality, which directly challenges the ways we were taught to feel secure and in control.”
And sometimes that loss of control doesn’t feel good.
Yes, too much THC may make you feel incredibly anxious and paranoid. It may lead you to believe, Hey, this isn’t for me.
But, also, if you were taught how to cope with that experience, if you were taught to be intentional about that consumption, you could find really valuable insights about yourself in that experience, and I just don’t think that we are at all prepared to look that in the face
I don’t think we’re prepared in the way that our culture raised us to look our egos in the face and watch them die,
That’s not to say you need to go straight to ego death, but regardless of what happens, give yourself some space to reflect afterward.
If it was a good experience, why? Did it unlock unexpected feelings or sensations? Did you find a new perspective?
And if it wasn’t so good, what felt uncomfortable? Did you feel physically sick? Did uncomfortable emotions come up?
Any cannabis experience — good or bad — can be a learning opportunity.
There’s no right or wrong way to go about your first cannabis experience. Everyone’s different.
But if you relax, do a bit of research, and lean into the unknown, you’ll probably be just fine
All the ways to smoke weed and which methods are least harmful
Joints are one of the most popular ways that people smoke weed.
They’re made from packing cannabis into a rolling paper “typically made of hemp, rice, or paper,” says Stacia Woodcock, PharmD, Clinical Cannabis Pharmacist and Dispensary Manager for Curaleaf. You can also choose to add a filter to prevent burning your fingers while smoking.
To roll and smoke a joint:
Break down weed using an herb grinder or your fingers. Remove any seeds or stems.
If you want to use a filter, cut out a small piece of thin cardboard (you need it to fit into your paper when rolled) and fold it “accordion-style” into a tip.
While holding the rolling paper lengthwise, “hot dog style,” fill it with the crushed weed, placing your filter on either end.
Pinch the filled paper between your fingertips and roll into a cone or tube shape.
Light the end of the joint and inhale from the filter.
Keep in mind that many commercially available rolling papers — particularly those labeled as fast-burning, bleached, or flavored — contain harmful pollutants and chemicals, which could damage your lungs. Therefore, opting for rolling papers that are unbleached, unflavored, and unrefined may lessen your chances of exposure. And if you’re really worried about chemical exposure, consider using a paper-free smoking method, like a bong or pipe
Blunts are typically larger and last longer than a joint, but they’re made in a similar fashion. The difference is that blunts are made from a blunt or cigar wrap as opposed to rolling paper.
Blunt wraps are made of tobacco leaves, which means they contain nicotine. According to a 2010 study, the nicotine in blunts caused a greater build-up of carbon monoxide, a toxic chemical, in the study subjects’ blood, leading to side effects like nausea, dizziness, and headaches.
To roll and smoke a blunt:
Break down weed using an herb grinder or your fingers. Remove any seeds or stems.
Use a blade to slice open the cigar or blunt lengthwise. Or if using a blunt wrap, unroll the wrap with your fingers.
If necessary, empty the tobacco from the middle of the cigar or blunt.
Moisten the wrap by dipping your fingers in a bit of water.
Fill the wrap with weed.
Pinch the wrap between your fingers, rolling and tucking to form a tube shape.
Use a lighter or match to light one end.
Pipes, also referred to as spoons or bowls, are one of the simplest ways to smoke.
Pipes consist of a hollow bowl, a “stem,” and a mouthpiece through which you inhale. Some pipes also have a carb hole — a small hole next to the bowl that you cover and uncover with your finger while inhaling in order to clear the pipe of smoke.
To smoke from a pipe:
Break down weed using an herb grinder or your fingers. Remove any seeds or stems.
Loosely pack the bowl about halfway with crushed weed. Make sure not to pack the bowl too tightly or it might be hard to take a hit.
Light the bowl with a lighter or match and inhale from the mouthpiece.
If the bowl has a carb, cover it with your finger as you light it and first inhale. This will cause the smoke to build up in the pipe. After that, lift your finger off the carb to “clear” the pipe and inhale the smoke into your lungs.
Bongs, also referred to as water pipes, are smoking devices that use water to cool and filter smoke. Because the smoke is cooled, people tend to take larger hits and produce more smoke than when using joints, blunts, or bowls.
Bongs consist of a bowl as well as a cylinder glass piece called a “downstem.” When you hit a bong, smoke travels down the downstem and is filtered through water before traveling up the bong’s neck to the mouthpiece.
While some users believe bongs are the healthiest smoking method, “they may not be all that effective at reducing toxins,” says Nicolas Schlienz, PhD, Research Director at Cannabis Education organization Realm of Caring.
To smoke from a bong:
Pour water into the water chamber to submerge the bottom of the downstem.
Break down weed using an herb grinder or your fingers. Remove any seeds or stems.
Lightly pack the bowl about halfway with weed.
Put your mouth on the mouthpiece, then use a lighter or match to light the bowl as you suck in in with your lungs.
When the chamber is filled with smoke, slide the bowl out of the down stem and inhale to clear the smoke.
Alternatives to smoking weed
Vaping: Vaping involves heating cannabis flower or concentrate to a high temperature in order to convert it to vapor. “If inhaling cannabis is the chosen method, then vaping is a great alternative to smoking,” Woodcock says. “It doesn’t produce harmful hydrocarbons (harmful chemicals produced when you smoke) and is gentler on the lungs.” However, be sure to buy from reputable dispensaries to avoid harmful ingredients.
Edibles: Edibles in the form of cannabis-infused foods, candies, oils, and tinctures are a smoke-free way to enjoy weed. However, keep in mind that edibles take longer to kick in and the effects last longer (4-6 hours) than smoking.
Topicals: Topical cannabis extracts are applied to and absorbed through your skin. They come in various forms including lotions, creams, balms, patches, and oils.